• Question: You think that science is difilcult for you?

    Asked by Pepe to Ben, Lizzie, Francis, Max, Sian on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Francis Man

      Francis Man answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      It depends. At first most of it seems difficult, but then you learn and it progressively becomes easier. And then you do something more complicated and it seems difficult again. Writing a good article is something I find difficult, because you have to be very precise but also keep the readers interested.
      When it comes to experiments, I usually find that designing the experiments properly (so that it answers your question properly) is the most difficult part. Doing the calculations (which I found complicated at school) isn’t that hard.

    • Photo: Lizzie Wright

      Lizzie Wright answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      I find some bits of science very difficult and other bits easy – usually I find the easiest bits the bits I really like doing!

      If I find something difficult, I try and read more about it or look up videos about it on YouTube as I find visualising things helps. I also will try discussing it with my co-workers rather than struggling on my own.

    • Photo: Ben Mulhearn

      Ben Mulhearn answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      All jobs have their difficulties and science is no different! The short answer is yes, I do find science difficult, but it wouldn’t be so fun if it was easy, right? Being difficult definitely doesn’t stop me from enjoying it.
