• Question: Which are the best Universities to be a scientist?

    Asked by GBJ to Sian, Max, Lizzie, Francis, Ben on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Ben Mulhearn

      Ben Mulhearn answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I’m going to have to plug Manchester here and say the University of Manchester! It has great life sciences facilities (biology) and a medical school (which is important for science), and is a lovely place to live!

    • Photo: Francis Man

      Francis Man answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      The ones that do a lot of research are the best to become a scientist. There are several excellent ones in the UK.

    • Photo: Lizzie Wright

      Lizzie Wright answered on 10 Mar 2018:

      Yeah there are loads of great ones and it depends on which kind of science as to how many labs there are and what kind of research is happening there. generally the older universities have a bigger history in research. There are research league tables released each year which assess universities on the research conducted.

      I would also be biased and say Manchester though! We even won a nobel prize recently for the discovery of graphene – very cool.
