• Question: If water makes things wet, is water wet? And if it isn’t, can you make water wet by pouring water on it?

    Asked by Olivia-de-Larratea to Sian, Max, Lizzie, Francis, Ben on 6 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Lizzie Wright

      Lizzie Wright answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Well theres a conundrum! I would say, yes it is wet! If you put your finger in water, it would feel wet, right? So if we go with that, but pouring more water on water, it would be equally wet. What do you think?

    • Photo: Ben Mulhearn

      Ben Mulhearn answered on 7 Mar 2018:

      Ha! I suppose you’ve got to ask what the definition of wet is: “Saturated with water, or another liquid”. Therefore, although water is wet with, er, water, you could wet it with another liquid, say, alcohol, by pouring that on it!?

    • Photo: Sian Richardson

      Sian Richardson answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I would say by making something wet it would be a liquid on a solid. So it depends what state the water is in. The only other circumstances water is solid is when its ice, therefore if water was on ice then you could say the water is wet
