• Question: I know that during a pregnancy if the mother has something wrong with them that the baby can sent stem cells to the mother to cure it and I have heard that some times it can cure cancer. Do you use them? Why do we not use them in normal medical procedures?

    Asked by Mestres690 to Max on 13 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Max Jamilly

      Max Jamilly answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Hi! What an interesting question – I haven’t heard of this before. I’ll try to do some research but maybe you could tell me more about where you heard about this? Normally it’s very rare for cells from the baby to travel back towards the mother so I’m curious to learn more!

      Scientists definitely do work with stem cells from babies – they could be VERY useful for regenerative medicine, where we try to grow new tissues to replace old or damage ones. But we can also make stem cells in the lab from normal skin or muscle cells by adding the right cocktail of chemicals, which is much easier than taking them from a foetus.

      Great question – I’ll do some more reading 🙂
